Calendar 4th C.S.E.

Do-Does Hotpotatoe  

Posted by: Sonia in ,

Do-Does Hotpotatoe

Final task  

Posted by: Sonia in ,

Web-quest final task about Dracula. Presentation download here.

Well done!!

Lyrics Training  

Posted by: Sonia in ,

Enjoy and practice your english with your favourite songs!!! Here.

Irregulars verbs table  

Posted by: Sonia in

Irregulars verbs table

English Grammar Quizzes Using JavaScript  

Posted by: Sonia in

If you are teaching English as a second language, this site, "English Grammar Quizzes in Javascript", will be good practice for your students. It contains tons of computerized little quizzes to test their knowledge of the English Grammar. It is all multiple choice and the student gets immediate feedback after he or she answered. It covers many concepts of the English grammar including nouns, verbs, pronouns, punctuation, misplaced words, prepositions, participles, etc. It comes with five level of difficulty : easy, easy to medium, medium, medium to difficult and difficult. All the quizzes are written in JavaScript, so they should run easily in your web browser.

Sherlock Holmes Books  

Posted by: Sonia in

Reading? GUESS WHY?  

Posted by: Sonia in

200 Vocabulary Exercices  

Posted by: Sonia in

The University of Victoria in British Columbia presents 200 vocabulary exercises for students learning English as a second language. The exercise is very simple and looks like a resource already presented on this blog : illustrated vocabulary. An image is presented to the student and he or she must select that proper word. The vocabulary words are in the following categories : furniture, school, office, home appliances, kitchen utensils, clothes, animals, coins and food. An interesting fact, the coin category is adapted to the Canadian audience.

That Quiz  

Posted by: Sonia in

Here is another great resource to give a chance to your students to get a little bit more practice in math, language or geography: That Quiz! The tool is totally free to use. It includes a series of randomize quizzes in arithmetic, about fractions, probability, time, money, measure, place value, graphs and geometry. Most quizzes can be configured to increase or decrease the level of difficulty and students get immediate feedback. When it comes to languages, students can practice English, Spanish, French and German. The language quizzes include definitions, translations and verbs. In geography, the students can get quizzes for the Americas, Africa, Europe and Asia. The quizzes include countries, rivers and capitals all with an actual map of the continent. It is an excellent way for your students to get unlimited practice when studying. It is perfect for parents who want some "extra work" to do with their children. I hope you like this site.

Spelling it Right  

Posted by: Sonia in

"Spelling it Right" is a website providing worksheet for student to learn spelling. Most of the exercices are easy enough to be used at the elementary level. The website is very simple as it is only text-based. There are no graphic or animation, which sometimes make the site too plain, however, it will be very fast loading on a dial-up connection. The worksheets are also text-based, which is not the best format for printing. It would have been better to have formatted PDF ready for printout.

Exercices cover the following topics : syllables, consonants blends, prefixes, suffixes, word endings, vowels and plurals. There are a few interactive games such as a hangman game. There are word search worksheets as well as instructions for other games. For teachers of other subjects, there is a section with word-lists in Science, Maths, English, Geography